Lymph cancer is cancer that attacks the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system that functions to fight infection. The cause of lymph cancer is still not known with certainty, but there are several risk factors that can cause a person more at risk of developing this disease. The lymphatic system has an important role in fighting bacteria and viruses that can cause infections in the body. Just like other organs in the body, the lymphatic system can also be attacked by diseases. One of the diseases that can attack the lymph system is lymph cancer. This disease can affect any part of the lymphatic system, including lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, thymus, appendicitis, and bone marrow. Lymph cancer is also called lymphoma. In general, there are 2 types of lymphomas that are most often found, namely Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The difference between these two types of lymphomas is in the type of lymph cells (lymphocytes) that develop into malignant...